Our Menus
Our carefully planned menus are designed to make sure our children are nurtured with home-cooked food and a nutritionally balanced diet.
We serve scrumptious meals inspired by a variety of different cultures. As a result, our children discover an exciting range of tastes, smells and textures. By keeping our menus interesting we aim to teach our children that trying new food is exciting, not scary, and that healthy ingredients can be transformed into something amazing!
In addition, we offer an Autumn/Winter menu and a Spring/Summer Menu. Our Menu’s rotate on a four-week basis, to ensure your child can enjoy a wide range of high-quality food. Below you will find a copy of our menus.

Lunch and Snack
If your child brings a packed lunch to Nursery/Preschool, we ask that parents/carers prepare a healthy packed lunch for their child free from crisps and chocolates. It is an Ofsted requirement that we promote healthy eating within nursery.
We produce a healthy and varied option for snack time which includes different fruits and vegetables. We also offer crackers breadsticks etc to children at snack time along with a drink of milk or water.
Drinks of water will be offered regularly throughout the day. Children are made aware that water is available at all times.
Breakfast and Dinner/Tea
Children who have breakfast at Nursery/Preschool will be given healthy choices. These may include: Cereals, crumpets, toast and jam, bagels etc. All breakfasts are served with a choice of fruit. Milk or water are always available at breakfast.
We offer a High Tea for those who stay for dinner. These meals can vary. Please get in touch with your child’s setting and they will send you a copy of their menu.